Friday, June 30, 2006

A different tour!

It is a custom in our department at work, to give a tour of some interesting sites to new employees. I missed the tour first time, so I took part on Wednesday. They took us to Sheriff Museum, court, Jail and bomb ranger (the place that Sheriff Department disarms bombs and cooperate with military).
When we went to jail, we had tour of different sections of jail and we also passed by some inmates. I was sad and felt sorry for the inmates, although some looked like a real criminal, but I think that most of them are victims of society, most probably they have been born and raised in low level, dysfunctional families and they were on their own on the streets from the early childhood. So they joined gangs and were attracted to bad people and before they knew it, they were involved in different crimes.

Statistics shows that the societies that people have more or less same level of life and are
Less poor or have governments that does not let poverty overcome its own citizen’s lives, like Scandinavian countries, the crime rate is lower.
The thing about US is, that every one has opportunity to have at least minimum wage job or go to school by getting loans, but most of criminals are usually from families and groups of people that have less education and are poor, of course when you don’t have some one to help you to make right choices, it is hard to go after the right opportunities.
I think government can have programs to educate poor people more and provide their kids more social support and guidance.
I am not saying that there are not social supports but they are not enough. The other thing can be that there are lots of different races and cultures in this country and unfortunately some groups abuse the social benefits if you give them as much benefit as some European countries offer to their people.
I myself think, in general every thing starts from family, the chance that a kid who is born and raised in a decent educated family turns to a criminal is very low. So if governments in all over the world work on keeping family structures more strong through different plans and programs and try eliminate poverty as much as possible, the crime rate definitely goes down.

Any way I was praying in my heart the whole time that we were taking the tour that no one that I know never goes to jail!
It was a different experience and made me more grateful for being free and have a decent life!!
The bomb ranger was something that I did not like much, it was a place that they disarm bombs that military uses for training or so. They had all sorts of selections of bombs there. I hate every type of bomb and weapon. I hope one day UN becomes so strong that they can stop producing bombs and weapons all over the world!


Blogger Valentine said...

i missed u and yr blog:)

10:57 PM

Blogger Jan said...

Hi Ocean, all is fine I hope.

After your holiday in Europe you now get back to normal... But what is normal after such a tour.. Take care of your (family's) life. It's priceless.

You miss my comments? Well I didn't have time in the past weeks, months. But I follow your blog as usually.

Ocean take care of everything

3:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

اول سلام اوشن
عجب موزه ای! و چه جالب بیان کردی و قشنگ .
به نظر من هر انسانی نوعی معدن غنی انرژی هستش که اگه انرژی های درونی آن کنترل نشود و در راههای صلح آمیز بهینه مصرف نشود مطمئنن تبدیل به بمبی خواهد شد که انفجارش نه فقط خودش بلکه دیگران را هم به نابودی میکشد ولی واقعا همیشه میشه این رو از گردن خود فرد برداشت و به گردن جامعه انداخت ؟ پس در آنصورت باید اکثریت ایرانیها مجرم باشن و تروریسم ! پس وجدان و انسانیت چی میشه !؟ پس اگه قابیل برادرش هابیل رو کشت به خاطر اشتباه تربیت کردن آدم و حوا بوده است !!
و نیز قبول دارم که اگه ما به جایی رسیدیم باید بدونیم که فقط به خاطر این بود که امکاناتی که لازم داشتیم در اختیارمون بوده ، همین .

راستی نارسیس اسم دیکشنریه کامپیوتری که من باهاش این پست رو تونستم بخونم ، من اجازه دارم فارسی ، مهمون پستهای شما باشم؟ مهمون ، ساده و خوب موندنتون در پیچیدگیهای هزارتوی زندگی .

1:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

دلم برات تنگ شده بود دیدم مدتی نیستی نگو تعطیلات بود کامنت پیچک تنها کلی به اطلاعاتم افزود!!!! نفهمیدم این موزه بوده فکر کردم بازدید از زندان بوده ظاهرا بی توجه نسبت به زبان انگلیسی خوندمش :(

4:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

اقعا باید از خودم خجالت بکشم دوباره متن رو خوندم و دیدم کاملا واضح نوشتی رفتی موزه شِریف

4:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember being in a physic class where the teacher demonstrated who knows what by shooting a gun. I was sitting in the front row. It was the most awful feeling, I was so nervous and edgy. All of those things are so awful - guns, bombs, etc. I am sure our ancestors must have felt the same way about bows and arrows and cannons...

5:52 PM


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