Wednesday, August 03, 2011


-Things are pretty steady in my life these days. Which is good. Kids are enjoying their summer time, some days go to summer camps some days staying home with my Mom. Last Friday I took off and took them to the beach with a friend of mine and her sons. They played for about 6 hours in sands! Making sand holes and sand castles. I don’t know what is about sand on the beach that attracts kids so much and keeps them busy! If you have free time and live in a beach city and want to be able to relax and keep your kids busy just take them to the beach!! I have to say that I am glad that I brought my second son, I was not really sure that I could handle two kids but now when I see that they play together and keeps each other company I become very happy.

-I am still practicing meditation and it has changed my life. I can see the change in myself and even my husband has noticed it too. I am more calm and relax and also more present. I use any opportunity to relax and meditate even if it is 5 minutes. I really have to visit the surgeon that recommended me to read “Full Catastrophe living” I have not finished the book yet but it has changed my life I have to stop at his office and take him some Chocolate and thank him to give me such a great guidance. It seems Westerns are more and more realizing the value of meditation and Yoga these days, when I go to my Yoga class on Saturday mornings, in 5 minutes class gets full and that shows much people are interested in these practices that Easterns have followed for thousands of years. We all should learn from each other and make the best of all cultures. That is the key to a better world for sure.

-I read in news today that the Iranian girl whom was a hatred victim of an idiot who spilled Acid on her face forgave him so he would not face the same punishment which by Islamic law would be Acid on his face too. That is real forgiveness, I pray for her to get better. She has a great soul something that lots of people are missing these days.

-US government was like a real circus in last couple of weeks for passing the law to raise the debt ceiling, it was very frustrating process and I like many other Americans am so mad at republicans and those idiot tea baggers! They have no shame and they just want to save the rich people ass. They don’t care for Americans and I truly don’t understand how people voted for them to have the majority of congress again. Don’t they know any better! Wake up guys, these Millionaires and billionaires that you have elected to decide for your life are bunch of selfish and ruthless people who just work for the top %1. That’s all. Let the top %1 vote for them not us!


Blogger Jan said...

About the circus in politics Ocean.. I don´t think that the very rich are rich because they don´t have a moral. I hope they care for humans, nature, culture and so on.
I know that they don´t pay much tax... but isn´t it the system that allows them not to pay tax?

And of course the tea party activists, they play a game and have a lot of power compared to the size they are.

You can compare it to Wilders taking hostage of the Dutch cabinet by giving them the needed support.

1:38 PM


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