Monday, March 07, 2011


-I have been very busy as usual recently. I needed to finish an important and complicated piece of our project for a demo to Microsoft. They wanted to make a video from our achievements using their products and technologies. Any way I could finish it on time and my boss was very pleased. He was bragging about me to everyone and explaining how fast and efficient I was!! I always get uncomfortable when people admire me especially professionally. I just keep remind myself in my head “do not get too proud and always stay humble”. I am kind of superstitious about becoming too proud, I think when people become too proud and snob about their qualities that is when a something bad happens, some sort of lesson from up there to remind the person that nothing lasts forever and god does not like snob people any way!! I think we can even see that in history, lots of powerful leaders lost their power after they became too proud and snob. By way I am not that
special and am just doing my work but I am kind of quick and I hope I can always stay that way.

-It is very crazy in Libya and I feel so sad for their people, it seems that Ghazafi is even crazier than Ahmadinejad, or may be Ahmadinejad and his gang are crazy as him but they are not that threatened yet to show their depth of craziness. I truly hope that Libyan get a better government and better life and of course Iranians too. I think Iran needs bigger and more often demonstrations to get a result, although it is easy to say that for me that not living there. It is very hard for people over there when such a savage government arrests and kills people and then denies it completely but the only solution would be huge demonstrations like millions of people get out in to street and make government off guard and dysfunctional.

-My friend from Italy came and visited me here in San Diego for three days, it was nice to see her again after 10 years, when you do not see your friends especially childhood friends and then you see them again after a while, you feel that the time has changed every one but there is still connection there. Last weekend I drove to Orange County to see her and my other childhood friend, we, three of us used to be very close back in Iran. We went out to a bar restaurant with another friend of my friend. I was the only married one. They are not married and no kids. I felt I am not really missing singlehood, at age of 37 I would not enjoy being single any more. Sometimes I get too overwhelmed by my busy life and responsibilities that I have as a wife, a working mom and all that but that night again I felt happy that I was married and I was a mom. It is well worth the entire headache, although I am not as free as a single person but I feel that I am more
filled with love internally and that keeps me going in life. At least having a family is what would be right for me in life may be somebody is single and enjoys it very much which is great. Everyone is different of course but it is good to analyze ourselves and our life style every once in a while and see where we are standing and if we are happy with that…

Let’s pray for peace and freedom for every human being, internally and externally. Amen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

بوی باران بوی سبزه بوی خاک
شاخه های شسته باران خورده پاک
نرم نرمک می رسد اینک بهار
اومدم سلامی عرض کرده باشم

وپیشاپیش سال نو را خدمت شما و خانواده و دو پسر گلتون تبریک بگم
و برایتان در سال جدیدآرزوی خوشی شادکامی توام با سلامتی بنمایم
احمد- اشکاوند

12:21 PM

Blogger Nene said...

ocean joonam,, i am so proud of you,... dont believe on those words of superstitions !! you deserve it when your boss thanked you and admire you for sure,,, enjoy that moment :)
i also hope our new year bring happiness and peace all around the world
so happy you had fun with your old friends :) i wish my best friend who is still in iran can come here some day soon..
happy womens day to you too azizam...I wish you success and hapiness

9:34 PM

Blogger mayra said...

Dear Ocean Happy Nowrooz. Wishing you all the best.

Good luck


6:01 AM

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9:47 PM


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