Friday, September 24, 2010


-Recently I have been very busy and at the same time lazy to update my blog!
I am fine these days. Now that both boys are in school our schedule is more crazy. The little one has adjusted to school very well. He is such a good boy, as much as my older boy is challenging and difficult the second one is easy going and easy to deal with!

-How much do you believe in dreams and their meanings?
I have a dream experience that I want to share with you.
Sometimes people that are in long marriages like myself, get bored, when I feel bored of my marriage, I think to myself may be I am not that excited about my husband any more, or I ask myself if I feel the same passion and chemistry that I felt when we were newly married! These feelings and questions are usually temporary and then I forget all about it in couple days, but the interesting thing is whenever I think that I am bored or if I were single I would have more fun, the very same night I have a dream that I am single and very lonely, I cannot find or meet anybody and I am very sad in my dream. When I wake up in the morning and I see my husband next to me, I say to myself thank god that I am not lonely and I have him next to me!! The weird thing is that every time that I have these kinds of thoughts I have the same dream at night. It is like god wants to give me a message that I should appreciate my life, my marriage and the fact that I have a man in my life who cares about me!!!!!!!!!!!! What do you think?


Anonymous nirvana said...

ocean jon:
Man fekr konam hame ma adama moteasefane injori hastim yani ta chiziro darim ghadresho nemidonim chon kheili zood baramon aadi mishe.khoda nakone ke az dastesh bedim.oonvaghte ke mifahmim che nemati dashtimo ghadresho nadonestim.
Hala fekr konam khoda kheili dooset dare ke injori yadet mindaze ke che nemati dari.pas nashokri nakon va har lahze ye talangori be khodet bezan va nazar fekrhaye manfi be soraghet bian.

12:54 AM

Blogger Nene said...

hi azizam
kheily khabe meaningfuli hast ocean jooon:))i think this tough time that you think you are waasting your time and you are not as happy as before come to our mind sometimes, if you are single you want to get married if you are married you think being single is beeter but both sides have their own problems and their own benefits ,,, enjoy your married life and your boys for most azizam:))
have a good week

10:35 AM

Anonymous Mayra said...

I do agree with Nene. Life is life. It doesn't matter it is married or single. It matters how and how much you enjoy your life.

Good luck and take care


8:48 AM

Blogger Jan said...

Hi Ocean,
I read your post and I thought of it.
My first reaction was that's your dream. I can't say anything about it.
I read Mayra's reaction; life is life, if you're single or married, enjoy it.

On the other hand, it's the dream that tells you to be happy you're married. Believe it. Isn't a dream a part of yourself?

take care

12:23 PM


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