Wednesday, May 05, 2010

3... Birthday!!

Wow! I am turning 37 in two days and it is hard to believe it for me. I still feel like I am in my 20’s!!
My big resolution for age of 37 is to stay calm. I am always so inspired by calm people, who are so strong that nothing can really change their attitude and behavior. A very good example is President Obama. He is always facing whole lots of different challenges and different criticisms but he is always so calm and together! I don’t think that I can ever be a very calm person because part of it depends on one’s nature but I can practice it and learn it to some degree for sure.
Although I still feel that I am in my 20’s but I know that personally I have grown since I am in my 30’s. I am more open- minded about lots of different aspects of life. Less religious and more liberal. It is interesting that people become more conservative by aging but I am becoming more liberal by ageing.
May be the environment that we live in has a big role in our beliefs and perspectives. I am not religious any more but I my god is greater than ever. I am more environmentalist than before and I really do care for a green earth, I cared about it before but not that deeply. I am not prejudice about any religion, sex, nationality and life style and I mean it. This is something that I have learned in last few years by being exposed to all sorts of people from different religions, nationality and sexual preferences.
So after all, aging has not been a bad thing for me. But still there is a lot to learn and improve…


Anonymous ... said...

Happy birthday
some times simple is CONVENIENT . it's important

11:16 PM

Blogger mayra said...

Happy Birthday Ocean aziz :-). I wish you happiness and joy in life
and many more birthdays to bring you delight.



1:38 AM

Anonymous Goli said...

bah bah, Tavalodet Mobarak, khanom-haye ordibeheshti kheili khoob hastan,
Good Luck in your resolutions :)

2:43 PM

Blogger Ahmad said...

Happy birthday
and wishing all the best in your life.

8:47 PM

Blogger Nene said...

happy birthday azizammm,.,, i wish you the best and have a lot of fun:*

11:19 PM

Anonymous nirvana said...

Tavalodet mobarak bashe.
Adam bayad delesh javon bashe hamike khodet hes mikoni 20 salete kheili hamkhoobe;)

1:45 AM

Blogger Nene said...

happy mothers day azizam:*

2:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy birthday Ocean.

take care, Jan

2:00 AM


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