Saturday, September 03, 2011

Good Book

-I just finished Aleph, the new book of Paulo Coelho. The first book that I read from him was Alchemist, I read that book three times and every time I got a new message from it. Aleph was quite interesting and sometimes very deep and complex. I needed to think after reading some paragraphs, analyze what I just read and try to digest it.
I myself kind of believe in re-incarnation. My theory like lots of people out there is that god is great and there should be justice in this world that he has created so since there is no real justice at least for majority of live creatures in this world, the only explanation is that we come back again and if we are good people, in our next life we will have a good life but if we have done bad things to others, our next life depending on our pervious actions will be kind of like a hell! I think we come and go until our soul purifies and we do not need to come back again and go to another dimension that nobody really knows about. This can be another interpretation of hell and haven of prophets. Of course that it is just a theory and nobody really knows. As I wrote about it in my blog before, re-incarnation kind of makes sense to me. Any way the book Aleph touches this subject in a very deep and complex way which made me really wonder that who I really was in my pervious life. I feel like I have an old soul and I have been back and forth several times already!! What do you think??

-Email, text, social networks have made friendships a lot shallower these days. Lots of people think if they are friend with someone on Facebook for instance that is good enough for keeping in touch. I am an old school person I believe in real contact, like picking up the phone and do the real talk or meet a friend for lunch to chat, laugh or share some discomfort or happiness. I think two of my old friends from Iran that they live just 1 hour away from me are not real friends any more. They are just Facebook friends and I have decided to stop trying to care and contact (real contact) them. I am not going to break up or anything like that but simply have come to conclusion that they are not really caring anymore and may be they rather hang out with new friends. That is sad because we kind of grew up together, especially with one of them but she just recently did something that proved to me that we are just people that know each other from long time ago not close or best friends. For a long while (I have written about this before here) I was in denial and I could not accept that we are not best friends anymore because we used to have a great bound but now I am old enough and mature enough to digest that and I am happy with other friends that still care and still call even from other part of the world to say Happy Birthday or how do you do…


Blogger mayra said...

I like your explanation dear Ocean. They are not our close friends any more, in fact they are whom we know. I have some former close friends who live 10 minutes a way from our place and they are not real friend, although we used to be very close friend before. It is what it is!

Good luck and wish you all the best

4:23 AM

Blogger Jan said...

Interesting post Ocean...
I have to think it over ;)

Who are friends and what is incarnation? Do humans come back on this world?
I think you can learn from mistakes on the long term but I don't believe in hell.

Maybe hell is were the soldiers are sent to... do they deserve it?
Life of ordinary people can be hell because of something out of their control. Actions in previous lives were the reason of hell on earth in f.i. warzones?

tske care,

2:13 PM

Blogger Ocean said...

Hi Jan,

I meant Re-incarnation. It was a typo and I fixed it. I mean the rebirth what lots of budists believe in it.

Thanks for your comment

7:16 PM


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