Saturday, October 01, 2011


Last 10 days were not easy days for me. Every one that follows my blog knows that I have been working on a very important project and I am still working on it because is a huge ongoing project. I really put my blood and sweat in this project and did a very good job. The success of this project made my boss to get promotion!! He knew that I am looking forward to be promoted as well. I even talked to our CIO and mentioned my hard work and expectations. He seemed to be very understanding and told me that he valued my work so much and if there would be any opening promotion I would be on the top of the list. Long story short, the position finally opened because two people left and now they had their spots open (promotion in our department is very complex process) any way I was called to take part in the interview and I did very good job at Interview, there were other candidates too who had already applied for these promotional openings. Lots of people in our division thought this would be my chance but in to my surprise and some other co-workers surprise they picked two other guys because these positions originally belonged to their team!! I was so upset because I know that if they wanted they could move around positions and they had done that in the past, but this was a very political battle between managers and I was the victim of it. I am usually a strong person but I could not stop crying when I heard the result. I was so mad. I have been in this organization longer than those guys, I have a lot more experience and accomplishments and now because of some games behind the scene I could not get the promotion. My boss tried to calm me down and said that he had really tried to get the position for me but the other manager arguments’ was that I was not involved enough in contracting and working with vendors!! What a Bull Shit, since when a lead developer should waste her/his time doing contracts and paper work rather than creating new stuff so she/he could deserve a promotion.
Any way I am still mad and am already looking for opportunities in other places, but at the same time I don’t want to rush to anything and don’t want to go back to private sector. I feel that I was betrayed.


Blogger Nene said...

ah azizam, this happened to me too, as you said there are lots of stories behind the scene that we dont know which makes it more complicated than it is, i understand how frustrated you are, keep looking and i hope you get a better one later, you deserve it i am sure

10:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

خیلی وقته که برات کامنت نذاشته بودم
فقط آمدم بگم حال من وخانواده ونوه گلم نیلوفر خوبه وامیدوارم که حال شما وخانواده ودو فزند گلت خوب سلامت باشند.
احمد -اشکاوند

12:01 PM

Blogger Jan said...

You speak for many people Ocean.
These situations happen. You can get frustrated and behave like that. But it's a part of life you got to cope with.

Luckily there are some strategy's to get out of the mess.
One is the REBT, see

Of course there are more strategy's but in the end it all depepends on yourself how to get along with it.

Take care with the situation,

12:28 PM

Anonymous Mayra said...

I understand you Ocean! This could happen to every one and it happened to me as well. So see, you are not the first one and wouldn't be the last one. You have done great job so far and there is no doubt that you will do the best. Keep on dearest and don't be disappointed at all. wish you all the best

8:04 AM


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