Thursday, November 18, 2004


Last night my Mom and my husband had religious discussions that leaded to an argument. This was not the first time they were discussing two different religions
that each of our family has. I had warned them several time not to do it because I believe discussing religions and Politics when people have different opinions can turn ugly and nasty, but unfortunately they both love discussions especially my husband. He loves talking about different subjects and discusses them for several hours.

Any way I noticed I should take the control and stop them both. I told my husband “you know what, you should stop comparing religions and discussing it from now on, If I knew you we would be this much into religion, I would not marry you in first place. We have a kid and if we have lots of religious conversations in our house he will get confused and our marriage will be jeopardized too”. He accepted my words and promised not to talk about religion or discuss it from now on. I asked my Mom not talk about religion as well.

The thing is when I was marring him I new our religion differences can cause problem but since he did not seem to be religious at all and I was not a religious person I thought it would be okay. We both believe in god so much and try to be decent people which is really seems enough to me. I think most of people have the religion that they inherited from their family. There are very few people that research and choose their own religion themselves.

Unfortunately religion is a big issue in today world, I think it always have been an issue. People kill each other because of their differences in beliefs and religions. I wish we all respect each other’s beliefs and learn how to live with differences. In every religion you see good decent people, ordinary ones and evil people. Being good or bad is not because of a certain religion people have, it is because how they are raised and how they choose to be.

I believe god is beyond every thing and he loves all human beings, of course the ones with good hearts and good manners more, I myself don’t think religion in the way we interpret it really matters to him that much.

Any way I will try my best to raise my son as a decent person without any prejudices about religion, race, nationality, sex and …


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