That is very true that every one has his own secretes, the secrets that you can never talk about it with anyone and you will burry them with yourself into the grave.Some people’s secrets are so painful and some are simple. I am currently reading Bill Clinton’s life story and he says that he has his own little secret from childhood that he cannot share with others or he never shared. As every one else, I have my own secrets from childhood. It is more about my parents and their relationship, something that always bothered me and I never wanted to talk about it with anyone. I always buried them in the back of my mind so I do not think about it but yesterday I was talking to my elder brother about his recent fight with my Mom and he brought lost of things from past, which pushed all the buried thoughts back to the top of my head. It hurts and I do not want to think about it but worst time for these kind of thoughts is in the middle of night that you wake up to check on your baby or going to the bathroom and the thought that you ran away from all day long comes to your mind and does not let you sleep. Last night was one of those nights for me!! My be some day I talk to a shrink about all these little bad memories. I know it will not kill them but it will make them weaker so they cannot attack me every now and then and hurt me as much as they want!!
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