Friday, October 06, 2006

New post!

I have been very lazy recently to update my blog! May be because I am very busy these days. At work I am finishing a big project which I learned from it a lot. Thank god I like my job and my co-workers are very nice.
At home things are same; my son is growing very fast and speaks both Farsi and English very cute! Sometimes he makes mistakes that I don’t correct and enjoy them a lot, like Yellow he says lello instead, or Kasif(Farsi word) he says Kafis! But we should be very careful in our conversations these days, he picks up new words fast and use them right a way. So whenever we are talking about some thing that is not proper for him to hear we spell it out!! That is the new style of conversations in our home these days!
God! Kids change your lives so much! Although being a Mom is too much work and tiring sometimes but I love him so much and don’t change him for any thing!!

My husband had a dream couple night a go that his dad (he is passed a way) has thrown a part for him and saying to other family members who are passed a way as well that his son (my husband) is coming!! In Iranian culture there are usually meanings for dreams and lots of people believe in dreams and their meanings. In general such a dream is interpreted as the dead person is taking a way the alive one or basically the alive guy will die soon, God forbids.
He told me about his dream and he was kind of upset about it, I tried to make jokes like go a head add up your life insurance to distract him but I myself was kind of scared too! Although I try not to be superstitious but still there is always fear about these kinds of things. My Mom believes most of the dreams don’t have any meaning unless you see them in a certain time of night and certain time of month! Any way I hope there is no bad interpretation for his dream and we can both be alive with our son at least until he turns 18! Because he needs both of us at least until that age, although I believe that we all need the presence of our parents in our lives until we are alive!
Any way thinking about this dream and meaning of it made me very sad and I prayed to god, to keep us alive and together! I don’t care if we lose what ever we have just been healthy and be together!!

This was the story of last couple of days for me!!!!!


Blogger Natalie said...

dear ocean as you said there are many dreams that means nothing! you can not imagin what kind of dream i had during the last week. but nothing happened! so forget about bad things and enjoy your life together :) i hope you and your kind husband lots of love and love.
good news to hear you finished the project :)
good luck my friend

10:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

salam be oceane azizam.
vay ke cheghadr delam barat tang bood.bavaret mishe?
vaghti mibinam ba vojoode tamame bi marefatihaye man bazam miyay pishamo behem sar mizani,az khodam khejalat mikeshamo tondi miyam inja.
koli az webeto nakhoondam hanooz,save kardam ke sare forsat bekhoonam,ama oomadam ke begam kheili baram azizi va kheiliyam dooset daram.
bazam miyam pishet.
miboosamet.bye dear.
rasti pesar goletam beboos.

3:02 AM

Blogger mayra said...

What's a cute child?I wish I were you and I'd like to have as your sweet son.

5:34 AM

Blogger Jan said...

At least you talk about the bad dream... Isn't it a kind of nightmare? For every one of us. We all could die, having an accident, being in a fire or whatever. Life could stop at once. I think that dreams are a process in our mind.. It's the dreamer's thinking... Telling your dreams is showing vulnerability, so your marriage must be okay.

take care

1:31 PM


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