Monday, January 31, 2005

Daycare again

Today I took my son to the Day care that I registered him last month. It was a lot better than the other experience. He was holding my hand in the beginning and did not want to mingle that much, but when they took them out to the playground I sneaked out, he was fine at beginning but he found out I am not around and started crying. I waited about 10 minutes and went to the playground. He was doing well at snack time. I sat there and was watching him for a while and then I thought, may be I should go out, otherwise he wouldn’t adjust himself to the new environment and the teacher said “yes, it is a good idea that you leave for a while, we call you if cries too loud’’. Any way I went outside but I could see him from the window, he cried about 15 minutes and the two teacher tried a lot to calm him down and he finally stopped crying and sat on teacher’s lap, I waited until after lunch and I picked him up then. That was a good start; I will take him half a day tomorrow too. I hope he can adjust fast. This a new start for a more serious life for him!


Blogger Jan said...

Hi Ocean,

Good to hear that the first steps to daycare center are taken.
This is definitely a huge step in childs life.
I hope it all works and think about your resolution. Don't worry!


2:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't forget your previous horrible? experience, so this is maybe also a huge step for you. You let your child go for the first time. I hope you succeed too. And what about the agreement with your husband, does it stand?

3:07 PM


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