Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Long weekend

Yesterday was Labor Day in US. My husband and me got Friday off so we could have 4 days weekend and spend some time together and with our son. On Friday we took him to the Zoo, it was his 4th time being in Zoo and he did not seem to be interested this time at all. It’s interesting that kids change a lot even about what they like or not very fast! On Friday night we went to watch 40-year-old Virgin movie at Movie Theater. It was very funny and I highly recommend it. We laughed so much and I really need it! The rest of the weekend was relaxing and peaceful, we took our son to the beach and park and played with him a lot. He is at a terrible two stage now and me and my husband need lots of patience to deal with him, sometimes when he pushes me to the edge I pray to god to give me enough patience and power to stay calm and act as good as I can!!

The bad news that every one knows about these days is the big hurricane in south. I feel so sorry for the poor people, they have lost every thing, this is a lot worse than September 11th and unfortunately the government did not do a good job in handling the situation! I truly pray for those poor people and I wish they can get the best help as soon as possible.
These are all like a lesson for us that life is so unpredictable and we should enjoy every moment of it and if something is not as perfect as we want, just put up with it and be grateful for every thing else that we have. These days I feel that I am growing up more every day, I try to teach myself lessons of what ever I see around or I hear around.
I was not that way before, I would get sad when I saw bad things happen for others but I could not get a lesson from it for my self! Any way we should just trust in god and try to be the best of ourselves!! That’s all we can do!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi dear ocean
Wish u best time with ur husband and of course with ur son. Kiss him instead of me (ur son) can I know his name?
These days I feel better. I’m going to change many things. And I begin to work on a project about children. I don’t know do u see any kids magazine in Iran? All of them r not suitable for children, some for their picture and some for their context. I’m going to compare different country kids’ magazine with Iran to find more suitable style for magazine. Working for children is my favorite job. Do u find my mean? I hope.
Pray for me
Kissing u

3:03 AM


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