Saturday, October 01, 2005

Different things

Different things have happened from last week.
I got a call from my son’s school last Friday before noon. They said he had behaved very badly that day and I should go and pick him up right a way. I was so upset. I took off from work and went to his school. He had pushed two kids and bit another kid. This was the first time that he had done so many bad things at the same time. He bit every now and then but he had not done it for a while. When I got there I saw that his chin was scratched badly and when I asked what had happened to his chin they did knot know the reason! I was very mad, I know my son had behaved really badly but this could tell that they were not watching kids closely. I felt that they were not fair. My son is a very happy boy in general but some times he has the aggressive side that part of it is because of his age and may be other part is that we have done some thing wrong! We try to be as nice and calm as we can at home and always try to make him understand what is the difference between good and bad. One main reason that the teacher was agreeing with me on it is that he is learning two languages and some times is hard for him to verbalize him self correctly so his classmates or teacher don’t understand him and it makes him frustrated. Any way we have been working on it very hard, first of all I called DR Holakouee the very famous Iranian psychologist that has program at Iranian station. He gave me some advices and was kind of blaming me that the main reason is that I went back to work and he had stayed home with my Mom and did not spend enough time with me so he had some frustration inside. I know he is kind of right. The ideal way is to quit job and stay home with kid until they become 3 but how realistic is that in today world? I myself always feel guilty about going back to work but I would lose my career. The bad thing about my career is that if you are out of field for couple of years no one will hire you or it would be very difficult to get job again.
Any way I researched about this issue a lot and I am seeing a psychologist tomorrow, although he has been behaving well this week. I think he understood that how upset I was! And I tried to explain to him that he should try to be always nice to other kids .I took him to park and places that he could play with other kids and I kept reminding him that he should be nice!

The second thing is our director is retiring soon, he was the one that initiated and managed all the IT projects, so if he leaves here the projects that we are working on will be stopped too. He was the one pushing them any way, state never said OK to those projects so we will lose our jobs! Especially me another co-worker of mine that got hired last! Every one is kind of nervous but we cannot %100 predict that what would happen. I will stay until I see they actually want to get rid of us!

Anyway some times life is not that easy! Different things come up and you should deal with them and resolve them for yourself!

I have started my prayers again, for a while I did not pray I was lazy to do that, but I feel I need it and I should pray like before!!


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