Saturday, January 28, 2006

A ruined Saturday!

I was so looking forward to the weekend this week. Especially because we had a stressful week at work. This morning was very nice and I told my husband let's go to the beach and enjoy the day. it was just about 5 minutes that we were walking that he started a conversation that leaded to a big argument for us. I know it was my fault too. I was stressed over lots of things recently and this was a match to a hidden flame. Any way my whole day was ruined and now I feel so upset and disappointed. I think marriage just makes the life more complicated. When I was single I did not have even 10% of this complication in my life!I don't want to be ungrateful but some times I am tired of constant compromises. Especially when you have kid, it's like a trap! I know that it sounds bitter but I am in such a bad mood. Thank god I at least have the blog to write in it!


Blogger Valentine said...

واسه یه دعوای کوچولو خودت رو ناراحت نکن خانمی(چشمک) حق با توئه زندگی مشترک خیلی پیچیده است. گاهی اوقات از اینکه آدم باید مراقب باشه همه چی خراب نشه کلافه می شیم. اما سخت نگیر ! تو هفته بدی داشتی. شاید همسرت هم همینطور بوده . واسه همین منفجر شدین! برو و باهاش صحبت کن. بگو هر دومون بد کردیم. دیگه تمامش کنیم چون زندگی منتظر ما نمی مونه! می دونی اوشن جان دارم به این نتیجه می رسم که زندگی زیر یه سقف هم خیلی سخته هم شیرینه! امیدوارم تا الان آشتی کنون کرده باشین:)))
امروز انگلیش نوشتنم نیومد!!
برم پست قبلیتو بخونم

11:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Valentine. We live every day of our lives only once and then it is gone... gone for good... I hope you two have worked things out by now.

3:57 PM


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