Monday, December 08, 2008

Bad economy

Economy in US is very bad. I know that it is bad almost everywhere in the world these days, but people say that it has never been this bad since depression time (1930’s) in US. Just in November 533,000 people lost their jobs. Social benefits for unemployed are minimum here and most of people lose their health insurance as soon as they lose their jobs. The self employed people who have their own business are doing really bad too. My brother has his own business and it is very bad for him too. He is going through another divorce as well. When he was marring this woman every one told him that she just wants to get green card and use him but he did not listen and now his wife left him after using him the most. I know that is his fault and he acted so irresponsible and has spent too much money for her but how some people are that ruthless, they come and use someone and right at the time that they see there is no money left they leave too. She was Russian and Russian women have no good reputation here just my brother was too naive! I don’t want to say all Russian women are like that but we have heard lot of bad examples of them here and in Europe. Any way I feel so sorry for my brother and all the people that are losing their jobs, home etc these days. I and my husband both have government job and we are safe for now but even our jobs can be at risk if it goes by like this until next year!
On Friday afternoon when I was going back home from work, I was listening to the radio and they were interviewing people that have lost their jobs recently, I felt so sad for them. Especially in this time of year it is so hard to be unemployed and having kids who are looking forward to Christmas. For the first time in my life I wish I were god and I would eliminate poverty, sickness, war, injustice in the world and would make every one healthy and happy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ocean jan,

Your brother's story was sad. I would say,I heard too much about Russian women and I know One of them. she somehow is out of mind. Sometimes she speaks about her table dancing In Russia without any fear or shame for that. Most of the time is against you . It doesn't matter what you are talking about. So I don't expect your brother's wife stays with him in such a situation, she should leave him and try finding someone else. This bad economic situation has happened in other countries specially those countries which their economy depends on US economy like Germany.
I'm really afraid of being unemployed. This is one of my phobias.
I hope this never happens for you and your husband.
Good luck
P.s. Could you please write something about your kids? I miss your sons :)

12:07 PM

Blogger Nene said...

ocean joon:) hi
this bad economy affects on everyone I guess,,, its so serious specially at this time of the year,,, our company also laid of many people in California in different sites and shut down two sites in southern CA and laid of 800 people in Kansas! it hasn't come to us yet but every body is looking for job and going to interviews and try to have other company’s' offer in their hand in case something happens... anyways... hopefully this time will pass soon... i heard its even worse than 1930 recession.
we have some Russian women at our work and we have russian contractors so i see many Russians everyday mostly guys but your right Russian women are something different!! i only know one girl that you can have a conversation with and she is like normal people others are .,... i am sorry for your brother ,.. hopefully that opens his eyes for next timee:(

8:53 PM

Blogger Ahmad said...

Hi Ocean

Thank you so much for your nice comment.
I am so sad to hear about your brother's and I hope you can help
him and every thing become normal.

9:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moteasefam baraye baradaret vali az tarafi hamon behtar ke zoodtar bere chon man ham ziad dide khoobi az khanomhaye roos nadaram taghriban 90% onha kharab hastand.
vaziate eghtesadi ham ke nagoo fekr mikonam hameye mardome donya gereftaresh shodan taghsire ki hast khoda midone ozae kheili badi shode.khodakone ke harche zoodtar yeki yekari bokone az daste ma ke kari sakhte nist.

10:03 PM

Blogger Jan said...

Hi Ocean. I'm glad that I heard of you...after the crash in San Diego.. It's bad what happened with the aircraft but I'm relieved that you wrote on my blog shorly after.

What can I say about those Russian, Polish, Hungarian girls? They are very opportunistic and seem to have no boundaries.
I know of situation where it's different. A colleague of mine married a Turkish woman and a man on the other side of the street married an Argentinian girl.

What about writing a letter to God and propose him what you're thinking about? 99% Of humanity wants that!
When you write it, I'll sign it too.

5:57 AM


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