Friday, September 12, 2008


The hottest subject of these days is election! Since McCain introduced Sara Palin as his Vice President, things have changed. Lots of women want to vote for him just because of her and their reasoning is that because she is a mother and she is from a small town and is anti-abortion we can relate to her!!!! That is the biggest Bull Shit!! Excuse my language!! Since when being a mom and having a Down syndrome kid and a pregnant teenager makes a woman qualified for becoming Vice President of United States!! To me she does not seem honest at all and seems that is using everything to get votes. These people do not come to their senses and just follow some stupid emotional advertisements. Unfortunately the number of shallow people is not low in this country and media can easily change people’s mind. Country is in a bad situation, economically, politically etc but people want to vote for someone who follows the same path!! I truly hope that Obama wins. Not even US need that but also the whole world needs it too!!


Blogger Jan said...

I agree with you Ocean but I also add that changing to conservatives because of a female vice president candidate is rubbish as well. Thousands of possible Hillary R.C. voters might change to Palin. Doesn't content matter instead?
Isn't anti-abortion a con issue?

I think the world is better of with the democrats.

The good thing of Palin is that he was member of Monty Pyton, travelles the globe and makes fantastic reports of it.

11:46 AM

Blogger Arsh said...

Hey lady, totally agree with you. I hope Obama wins too, well, almost everyone that I know of wants Obama to win. That McCain guy is a stupid redneck big time!

9:50 PM

Blogger Ahmad said...

Hi Ocean
I hope obama Wins
and thanks for your comments
meanwhile,thanks god I am healthy
and can fast in ramadan .please
pray for me.

2:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like McCain wins and hope Obama can win in this election.By the way the politic is so complicated and always play with people.

4:48 AM


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