Thursday, June 05, 2008

A New Post

-It’s been a little bit stressful in the last couple of days for me.
My Mom got very sick and we took her to emergency room over the weekend, thank god she is better now.
We have upgraded all of our applications on our Internet web site to new servers at work and that was pretty much hectic too, especially because my boss went on a 4 weeks vacation!! Since Monday and we just went live with new upgrades on last Friday!! Most of the pressure was on me and my other co-worker. Things were smoother at work today. On the other hand I have two boys to take care when I go home and I miss them when I am at work. My Mother-In-Law is staying with us now (she goes back and forth to my other in-laws house). She was telling me the other day, that I would better stay home with kids and quit my job. She was comparing me (like all the time) with my other sister-in-law who does not work and is home with her child. She was telling me that her daughter is lucky to have Mom around!!
Although I know that she does not have bad intention by saying that and she just says whatever she thinks, but I was upset. Whoever is a working Mom knows what I say, when you work and have kids at home you always feel guilty for not being with them all the time and when people around you make comments like that, that really bothers!
Any way I know that although I feel guilty I am not going to quit my job, there will be lots of negative points to it for us and my hours at work are not really that bad.
Any way every time that she comes and stays with us she says things that bothers me but I try to stay cool and do whatever I feel that is right for me and my family. I guess we cannot change people and we should not bother to do that, we should just stay calm!
-Barak Obama is the candidate for Democratic party now, I will vote for him but was sad for Hillary too, she tried very hard. I think media was really hard on her. Her husband’s issue with that Monica Lewinsky affected her election too. People in us can become very shallow when it comes to these kind of things.
Now , another important thing is who Obama will choose as his vice president, this will have a very vital impact on his election, some people say he may choose Hillary which will make an interesting combination! We will see. I truly hope that he wins for various reasons, first of all I am a democrat and I want a democrat president goes to white house, second I think he has good plans and finally I think if a black person becomes president of US that will have a great positive impact on racial issues in this country and even other countries. It is time for the whole world to change and accept that color, nationality, race and religion does not matter and we are all human beings with equal rights!!!!!
Good luck to Obama!


Blogger Nene said...

hi,,, yeahhh i already watched sex and the city twice... it was so fun i loved it:P hope fully your mom gets better sooon ... and did you see clinton's last speech?

9:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope every thing will be the best very soon
i am an iranian and live in my country but i follow your posts
this post was alittle bit diffrent from others.
it is very good that you can control your anger
i hope every thing will be okey

11:10 PM

Blogger Arsh said...

Hope your mom feels better soon lady.
Take good care of yourself and your babezzzzzz.

10:00 PM

Blogger Nene said...

ocean joonam:) mersi ke hamishe be man migi az singlehoodam nahayat estefade ro bebaram... be nazaram har koodoomesh (single ya married)ye joorayee khobe... felan ke bande inja shahed bakht lakers boodam mibioni shooresho darovordan!!! bazam mersi ke enghadr mahi boooos

9:02 PM

Blogger Jan said...

Great Ocean... You are in control
Your mother is doing better..You control your frustration towards your mother-in-law

Take care of your kids..

By the way I read your previous post too and it's good to hear that the Wednesday afternoon you work from home.

And yes my holiday was great.

7:10 AM


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