Thursday, October 02, 2008


I am just a little bit sad these days. My son as usual is challenging me a lot. He is again in a non-listener mode! He was fine for a while but recently he is more jealous towards his little brother and at school does not listen to the teacher very well. His teacher called me and said “He is talking all the time!!”
I am trying everything that kid’s psychologists recommend like talking to him and giving him all sorts of examples so he understands that he should listen better to making Happy face chart and give him one happy face each day that he is behaving well. When he gets 10 happy faces he will have a prize! We try not to give too much attention to the little one in front of him (poor thing) but still not getting the good result yet, it seems that he goes through phases and now is the bad phase again. My problem is that I am too sensitive about my kid and his behavior and may be my sensitivity makes things worse. Some parents don’t just care that much and they say “he is just a kid! Whatever!!” I wish I could have that attitude! The thing that is he is a difficult child, very smart but difficult and dealing with him is not that easy. I think if my husband and I had married a calmer person, our kid would become calmer as well. We both have short temper; we are both not very patient and also stubborn. My advice to all the single people who read this post is, get married with someone who is calmer than yourself, unless you are very calm yourself. When two short temper, energetic people like us get married not only the conflicts are more but also it affects kids genetically and behavior wise as well.
I guess no one really knows what can be the best choice for marriage until they are already in marriage!! When it is kind of too late any way especially when you already have kids!!
Last night I was upset and sad and I said a cruel thing to my husband, I said “If I would go back to 9 years ago I would not marry you!!”. I really don’t know if I really think so or not, it is hard to say. He is good in lot of ways but can easily go on my nerve too! I guess I am same way as well. Who is perfect any way! No one really!
Sorry for too much nagging! I already feel better though. My blog is my best trapist!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ocean these kind of feeling are so usual and sometimes happen for very one. Be sure about it and don't worry about your cute son. As you said may be your sensitivity causes that he changes his behavoir. So when you recognized the reason why don't try to edit it?
Life is like the wind, goes every where. sometimes is calm and pretty nice sometimes desturbes every thing let us be more patient. By the way I think you need to go somewhere as a simple trip to become fresh.
I would say somehow I feel like you may be about other things in my but life, but these thoughts go a way without you recognize

5:30 AM

Blogger Jan said...

Every now and then I read your blog Ocean. Take care of your son and his dad.
Never go back in time because you would do everything different, knowing or not knowing the future.
Was the intention of you what you said your husband good or bad?

Take care with your marriage. In the end it reflects on your children.

1:21 PM


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