Wednesday, August 12, 2009


-Summer is coming to end soon. We had a nice summer except the fact that Iran news made me very sad and still every day I check the blogs and web sites to get updated news about Iran. Some of these news are so sad and shocking like raping the arrested girls and boys in jails and torturing them so violently. Even the worst regimes in the world avoid these kinds of torturers in today world but it seems that these criminals do not have any shame what so ever. I just pray for people and especially all the young people that are suffering so much.

-These days Health care reform bill in U.S. is big subject and unfortunately republicans are spending so much money for their negative advertisements. I cannot believe that some idiot people fall for these craps and are so furious at President Obama over this bill. Don't they see the benefit of this reform? He is offering every one health care and they say his taking away our freedom and forcing socialism to our society that is a big B.S. indeed!!! U.S. is the only industrialized country in the world that does not have universal health care and there are 45 million people in U.S that currently do not have health care!! I hope this bill passes; it is good for every one.
The reason that republicans disagree with it so much is not because of its cost or the quality of health care but because they don't want president Obama to win on this! Politic is a dirty thing and unfortunately there are lots of idiots everywhere in the world that get fooled by it easily!!


Anonymous Mayra said...

Hi dear Ocean,
I do agree with you politic is so dirty and usually idiots cause this dirt. Unfortunately they are too many in the world just look at our country, they are killing people in the street then forget it immediately and make that funny court with 100 culprits which no one believes it. Maybe 10 times a day i check websites and web logs to look for a good news from iran but ... We are hopeful and keep on our way..
Take care

4:44 AM

Blogger Nene said...

i agree as well that politics is dirty and its always aiming poor and inocent people... i think we just need to be hopeful and positive for the future of our own country and US ,,, we cant do anything else:((
enjoy the rest of summer... its getting cold

4:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ocean,
How're you doing? Hopefully you don't feel the heath of the fires in parts of California. Probably you feel the sun burning on your skin, but summer is coming to an end as you say. Here in the Netherlands we have today the first stormy weather at the Northsea coast this autumn.

About the social healthcare reforms, mind that in my country and Great Britain (NHCS) too we can't control the costs of healthcare. It's a growing problem. The fact that people get older and become a larger part of the population in European Union puts pressure on the Healthcare system in the 2 mentioned countries and I'm sure also in the other EU-countries.

Hopefully Obama does what's right. Maybe the Healthcare reform bill has a basic insurance and options for private extra insurance.

But hear who says this: a Dutchman who's always overinsured!
That's also a difference between the U.S. and Dutch culture. Here we don't want to be risky, though Americans see risk as an opportunity.

Take care,

3:37 AM


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