Thursday, December 17, 2009

Too much work!

As I wrote before my Mom Has traveled to Iran for a visit. It is almost two weeks now but it has not been that easy on us. Since she left, it got really cold and rainy, so I had to take my older son to school so dad did not take the little one out so I needed some change in my work schedule then my little one got sick (although we tried to be very careful )and had fever and cough! We took him to Doctor and he had his first Antibiotic of his life! I needed to stay home with him for two days! This week my husband has got tired of babysitting already, so as soon as I get home he starts nagging me a lot, last night I could not control myself when he said I have been taking care of your kids all day now it is your turn and it was just 10 minutes that I had got home from work! He talked like I had these kids when I married him!!!!!!!!!! So you can guess that we got to a fight!
I am tired of running around and hearing nags all the time too. I know that babysitting is hard especially for men but I go to work and I am very busy at work!
Any way my Mother-in-law is finally coming hopefully this Sunday, so I stay home with kids (schools are off from this Monday till after new year) on Monday, so she rests and little one gets used to her. I have to be at work rest of the week because we have a very expensive consultant from Scotland on the site and I have to be there! I hope that would be easy for my little one to get used to his grand ma! The week between Christmas and New Year I have taken off so it would be smoother hopefully! My mom comes back after New Year.
It is indeed hard to have young children and be a professional woman! I have to play so many roles in life! Sometimes I wish I was a cat in a rich family so I would sleep all day long!


Anonymous Mayra said...

Hi Ocean aziz,
I think you were right to get angry with your husband, whole day you were working not resting or having fun with some friends, but on the other hand as you already said, babysitting is not that easy for men. Hope your mother comes back soon.
By the way your wish was cool :) i liked it.

Good luck and take care of your self

5:31 AM

Blogger Ahmad said...

Hi Ocean
it is so difficult for you,
but I pray it gets better and I hope something changes for you and situation will get better with coming your mother-in-law .

Good luck

4:38 AM

Anonymous Nirvana said...

Ocean aziz
omidvaram ke har che zoodar mamanet bian pisheton ta kami khastegi dar konin.

1:35 AM


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