Saturday, March 12, 2005

My Mom is leaving

My Mom is leaving next week on Wednesday and I already feel very sad. She was such a great help and more important than that I had her all this time to talk to. She was such a good ear for all my complaints, opinions, gossips, and …
My son is so attached to my Mom too, actually my mom raised him and she did a very good job. No one is like a caring and loving Mom! The other thing is that our National new year (Nowrouz ) is around the corner I would love to have her here for Nowrouz but she is right, she better go and use the holiday time to visit her relatives in Shiraz.
Usually around this time of year I miss Iran a lot. The excitement of New Year, and you can smell the spring everywhere. All the stores are full of people shopping for New Year and kids are so happy to have some time off from school plus all the presents they receive. The presents are usually cash, which I think is even better!
I used to go to Tajrish Square with my Mom the day before New Year for all sorts of grocery shopping. It was absolutely beautiful the way the stores would set up the fruit, fish, vegetable,.. I used to enjoy the colors and people excitement. Here in US Iranians celebrate Nowrouz enthusiastically and we have all sorts of events going on especially in Southern California, but the big difference is although we have all these celebrations but it just does not feel like Iran, you cannot smell the spring the way you do it there!
Oh I am becoming home sick now.


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