Thursday, December 08, 2005

Recent News

First of all I am very upset about the airplane crash in Tehran. About 130 people were killed and it seems like as usual the government did not take action properly. It seems that they knew that the airplane had problems and they had tried to fix it but it was not done completely and when the pilot asked for emergency import to the airport, it was delayed because of air traffic or god knows what and it ended up killing innocent people.
This is ridiculous. It seems the only thing is very cheap in Iran these day is people’s life. Any way I hope they at least take care of the victim’s families and support them, which I really doubt.

I am getting board at my job these days. There is not much to do, things are changing here. I have heard our manager is retiring too. I really hope that I can get job in one of the places that I have applied for. They are all related to the same agency that I work for but seem to be more interesting jobs.

My husband and me are thinking to go for vacation to Europe some time in spring. I have started to look at the tours and stuff. Tours are very expensive. For 3 of us for just 2 weeks will be some thing around $8000. No way, I am not going to pay that much money. I should look for individual vacation like we reserve hotels and air fair our selves not through tours. That must be cheaper I think. Any way we have started researching. I hope it won’t be hassle with our little boy. Europe has lots of sight seeing. I don’t know how practical it would be to go with the little one but I really want to go to this vacation! The last time that I were in Europe was 9 years a go. I miss it a lot!


Blogger Jan said...

Hi Ocean,
Yeah the plane-crash I heard about it, my condolences.

So you plan to go to Europe...fantastic... the whole of Europe is on the move in summer, so 3 American citizens more (or is it still 2) won't draw attention ;)Also the EU can use your currency ;)
LOL, I already hope you got a wonderful time here, there, and where ever you go.

Ocean stay strong,


3:05 PM


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