Friday, November 03, 2006

Funny Political story!!

Yesterday when a school bus was driving students to school, they see President Bush in a car next to them. All students get really excited and waved for President, he waves back but as soon as the driver who was a 43 year old woman sees the President, shows him her middle finger!! President says to his company" I guess that one is not a fan!". Any way the driver told the story to all her friends and co-workers and her boss finally founds out about it and fired her!
She went to union to complain and get her job back but her boss says, she did not get fired because of showing finger to President but because she did it in front of students so she is a bad roll model to work for school!! I guess if she had done such a thing in Iran she would be in Prison now waiting for execution!!

Here is the link to the story:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! it is amazing!! poor Bush no one likes him!
btw I am going to work for the boeing company:) have a good weekend ocean jan:)

11:59 PM

Blogger Jan said...

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2:36 AM

Blogger Jan said...

the funny part comes after the article... on msnbc you can vote yes or no of the schoolbusdriver being fired after that incident.

I said no; we live in a world of free expression you see. Being non-verbal was the only way to communicate with the president.

But the sadest thing is that with the yes/no vote the world is going back to the times of the Roman arena's where slaves, prisoners and gladiators had to fight and could send to death by ceasar's thumb.

It's all such a simplicity. Where is the nuance?

All readers, have a good weekend.

2:39 AM

Blogger Natalie said...

really?! how similar to ours!;)

5:32 AM

Blogger mayra said...

If onebody do it immediatly have to say goodbye to life
be hamin rahati
How much people's life ........

4:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

چه مملکت باحالی!!خوش به حالت به خدا که اونجا زندگی میکنی.مهد آزادی دنیاست.
البته من شنیدم خودشون خیلی آدمهای تک بعدی ای هستن و مثلا خیلی از اینکه خانمهای ایرونی هم سرکار میرن و هم بچه داری و شوهر داری وآشپزی و.. میکنن تعجب میکنن.
جدی اینجوری اند؟

6:36 AM


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