Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A Rainy Day!

-We had our first fall rain today. It was drizzling all day along and it was beautiful, it reminded me of North of Iran. We need more rain here in Southern California. Although the weather of our town is clean and we always have the ocean breeze to clean up the air but having rain cleans up the viruses and helps the nature but the traffic of the rainy days is bad here!

-I had a meeting this morning that most of the big shots of our department were attending it, when I entered the conference room it was full and I kind of panicked to see all those guys in Uniforms or serious business suites!! They liked the application that I developed and it is going to simplify and automate some processes. When I was sitting in the meeting room and they were discussing the benefits of the new system I thought to myself “I never thought I would work for law enforcement agency some day, especially in US!! Who knows what our destiny is!” Life is like a big wave that takes us and some times takes us off on the shores that we would never think we reach someday! God knows where I am going to be in 10 years? May be here doing the same thing ( I hope so!!) or just somewhere else doing something totally different!! I think people who immigrate, learn to expect lots of changes in life and be open towards it! I know and I have learned that things change if we want it or not, the only thing we can do is adjusting ourselves to the change and use it in the best way we can.Any way I am happy that my job is helping people to have a safer life! It feels good to contribute to the society and help public!


Blogger Nene said...

Hi Ocean jan!
ah I didn't see a drop of rain today! You guys are lucky!!!!

I am happy you like your position and your responsibilities; you are absolutely right we as immigrants saw a lot of changes and will see more in future!
have a great night azizam

7:36 PM

Blogger mayra said...

I like rainy weather:)
I agree u immigrating changes all of our life
I'm going to immigrate to Europa but I can't ever do it and sometimes I fear to do it.maybe for big changes of my life ,however I decided to remove to other country except Iran

11:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

سلام خانمی.راستش منم اگه کسی 4 سال پیش شغل امروزم رو برام پیشگویی میکرد میزدم تو سرش. :) زندگی خیلی جالب و مهییجه.
هرجا هستی و هرکاری میکنی خوب و خوش و سالم باشی مهربون.
و امیدوارم تا هر وقتی که کار میکنی از کارت لذت ببری.
پسری رو ببوس.
موفق باشی خانمی.
بوس بوس

5:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

وای!شما دقیقا 12 ساعت با ما اختلاف زمان دارید

5:23 AM

Blogger Arsh said...

You always gain something (hopefully good) when you compromise something else!
It's good you got the result of it.

It's my first time visiting your blog, you have a nice one.

9:16 AM


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