Sunday, April 09, 2006

Time flies!

Last week passed so fast. Time flies very fast these days. I cannot believe that I will be 33 just in less than a month! I was getting used to 32, now I should say I am 33!! I remember that when I was a teenager if some one was 32-33 I would consider that person a very grown up one and 40 would sound old to me! Now I am not that far from 40! It is very interesting that age has different meaning to you in every stage of life.

Although I don’t like to get old but I feel that I know a lot more than when I was for instance 23.
There are still lots of things that I need to learn and experiment in life but I feel that especially in last 5 years I have learned lots of life skills, something that you cannot learn in school or even books, something that you learn by day to day life, by contacting with different people in society, by failings and winnings.
I feel that I have a bigger perspective of life now; I look at things very differently. I have a different perspective of religion, freedom, democracy, love and humanity.
I should tell that being a mom thought me lots of new things too. I learned to sacrifice more and care for a loved one a lot more than myself! I learned that my child is some how my own mirror, I see my mistakes in him, for example when I yell and become impatient I see it in him right a way and that reminds me to control myself better and try to be a better person so he can become a better person too.
Any way life is a very interesting journey and when we feel that we have lots of experiences and knowledge that is time to go! God knows where! may be next life! but how would that be in next life? Can we use our own experiences of this life there too? Lots of questions that no one has certain answer for it, if you have some answers, share it with me please!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Happy Birth Day!
2. Well, talking about after-life is not easy, but I think that we came to this world to learn things that we will need in our next life. To become (spiritually) complete and ready for being born in the next world. Exactly like a fetus which becomes a complete human body in the womb.

8:26 AM

Blogger Valentine said...

happy birthday ocean!
with you the best for the 33 and the years after! ask biandish, he is specialist!!

5:01 AM

Blogger Ocean said...

I think I created some confusion. My birthday is next month May 6th, but I was just thinking about becoming 33 and wrote the post!

7:06 AM

Blogger Jan said...

Answers? No. Thought? Yes.
Assume our nerves, our brain as a network of electric pulses
And what if one sets the power off? The machine doesn't work anymore.
This will happen to a body too and don't wait to long to set the power back online.

So enjoy every day you still got power.
There might be no next life.

2:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is something which has confused me too these days. I myself dont know what to believe and I think anybody who says there MUST BE some kind of life after death, that is because of his/her strong desire for a permamnet life,not a logic reason.however there are some kind of feeling (not thought) that tells me "it is nonsense to be born and then get disappeared after years of attaining some levels of perfection", regarding this world works in a special complicated order. nevertheless; there is no doctorine trusted in my sight.

2:28 AM

Blogger Valentine said...


2:03 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was about 5 I thought my (5-year-old) best friend's older sister was as grown up as our parents. Imagine my amusement years later, when I was looking back, and realized her older sister, when we were 5 was...eight years old...Hee heee.

5:23 PM


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