Health care bill passed
Finally congress passed the Health Care reform bill. I am so happy about it and President signed it to the law today. This was indeed a big victory and a major change. I was really hoping that this bill would pass and I am glad that I supported it from the beginning and helped the Health Care campaign a little. Although my help was really small but I did what I could by donating some money here and there, sent some letters to opponent representatives, made some phone calls and etc. I did these secretly and just tried to be helpful. I and my husband both have very good health care plan because we are both government employees but I felt so responsible for all those people who cannot afford health care or those poor kids that their parents cannot buy them insurance. Besides the high cost of health insurance in U.S. the worst thing was that insurance companies could drop someone’s health care plan just because the person had cancer or an expensive disease. What civilization can accept such a cruelty? I really do not understand all those republicans and some traitor democrats that were and still are against such a humanitarian reform!! Any way this is a huge victory for people who voted for change and god blesses President Obama for all his efforts and persistency for this bill. He is the man with high integrity, who does what is good for the people of his country not caring about stupid polls or re-election. I believe that he is the best president of our time and I am sure that history will say that too.