New Challenges!
I am very busy and actually overwhelmed these days by new baby! The hardest part is lack of sleep. Waking up two times a night for breast-feeding is not the most fun thing!! On the other hand we should give lot of attention to my older son. Obviously he is jealous but I and my husband both are trying our best to give him enough attention. We cannot leave him even one minute alone with baby, he wants to hug him hard and sometimes press him, we should just keep reminding him not to push baby and be very careful with him. Any way it is a challenging situation and I think it will be this way for a while. I can tell that my older son is doing better than the first couple of days but still needs lot of care and attention!
Days pass so fast. I try to read while I am breast-feeding so time passes by faster. I already finished two books!! One is nothing lasts for ever (Written by Sydney Sheldon) the other was tell me about your dreams again written by Sydney Sheldon. Both are interesting entertaining books.
Some people that have two kids already had warned me that having two kids is not doubling the work, it will be multiplying the work and I see they were very right! Thank god my Mom is here and she is very helpful!