-Recently I have been very busy and at the same time lazy to update my blog!
I am fine these days. Now that both boys are in school our schedule is more crazy. The little one has adjusted to school very well. He is such a good boy, as much as my older boy is challenging and difficult the second one is easy going and easy to deal with!
-How much do you believe in dreams and their meanings?
I have a dream experience that I want to share with you.
Sometimes people that are in long marriages like myself, get bored, when I feel bored of my marriage, I think to myself may be I am not that excited about my husband any more, or I ask myself if I feel the same passion and chemistry that I felt when we were newly married! These feelings and questions are usually temporary and then I forget all about it in couple days, but the interesting thing is whenever I think that I am bored or if I were single I would have more fun, the very same night I have a dream that I am single and very lonely, I cannot find or meet anybody and I am very sad in my dream. When I wake up in the morning and I see my husband next to me, I say to myself thank god that I am not lonely and I have him next to me!! The weird thing is that every time that I have these kinds of thoughts I have the same dream at night. It is like god wants to give me a message that I should appreciate my life, my marriage and the fact that I have a man in my life who cares about me!!!!!!!!!!!! What do you think?